Being Real

our relationship has never followed the rules.
we've never been the kind of a fairy tale couple you see in the movies.
it seems like we're either head over heels in love or crazy with frustration.
we're not perfect, and neither is this relationship.
but you know what? it's ours.

all ours the little jokes that only we understand, the way our hands naturally find each others and the memories that seem so wonderful now that we look back our relationship will never be perfect, but it will always be an important part of me.

i don't know whats in store for us.
but i know i want you in my life.
i know i love you.
and i know that I'd rather be "real" with you than "fairy tale" with anyone else.

Someday...I won't be There

Someday you'll love me.
Someday you'll care.
Someday you'll treasure the moments we've shared.
Someday you'll learn, love is not a game.
Then you'll realize, I'm not the same.
My heart will have left you, my love will have died. T
hen you'll realize the tears I've cried.
Someday you'll love, someday you'll care, someday you'll want me and I won't be there.

Love that Grows

I love you more everyday, I love you in every way. You're the one that I adore, I hope you love me even more. Words can't express the way I feel, the love I feel for you is real. So I hope that you will always know my love for you will always grow. I hope we never grow apart because you will forever have my heart.

Part of Me

there's a place in me where your fingerprints still rest.
Your kisses still linger. And your whisper softly echo.
Its the place where part of you will forever be a part of me.

Notice Me

I wish he noticed me, or knew we were meant to be.
I wish he knew how much I've tried, or seen how much I've cried. I wish he could realize, that I'm not telling lies. I wish he was all mine, he just doesn't see the sign. I wish we could be together, always here for each other. I wish I could stop this wishing, and he could see what he's missing.

Stuck on you

I don't know whether
I'm sad or mad
hurt or confused
at the end of the day i feel so used
beaten and broken, by the words that were spoken
your my everything
I'm your nothing
i don't know what it is
but I'm stuck on you


most of the greatest things in life are unseen...
that's why we close our eyes while we kiss, cry, and dream

To My Special Friend

you told me about your worries and told me about your fears I'm sorry i couldn't be there those days and calm you tears...

i think about your future i think about your past and those days i couldn't be there but i wish i could of helped you get through your pain that i know i cant release because it's all locked up inside your heart and you already have thrown away the keys...

i wish i could take away all your sufferings and sorrow i wish i could say for sure that were all promised a better tomorrow...but the fact of the matter is that we don't know what life brings us...

so just know I'm always here for you no matter what comes at us...this world goes through so much like criminals and mass destruction but i'll be here to hold your hand when the light goes out in every direction i'll be there through thick and thin all just to say you are my friend...

Just another Thought...

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

To Someone Special

If I had one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine...

Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you!

Lost Love

I love the way you look at me,
Your eyes so big & brown.
I love the way you kiss me,
Your lips so soft & smooth.
I love the way you make me so happy, And the ways you show you care.
I love the way you say, "I LOVE YOU", And the way you're always there.
I love the way you touch me, Always sending chills down my spin.
I love that you are with me, And glad that you are mine.

Crazy in Love

If I Die Before I Wake, I Want You To Know That Life's Been Great. You Make Me Smile, You Make My Day. You Always Know Just What To Say. So Thank you Baby, You're A Dream Come True...I've Fallen Crazy In Love With You.


Why do i love you with all my heart?
why did i fall for you from the start???
why did you cause me so much pain?
you stuck to my heart like a stain...

why couldn't i see that you weren't here for me?
i shouldn't of believed you when you would say that you'd make the pain go away.
you played me heart like a game.
i cant believe you never felt the same...

Now i sit in my room all alone and pray that one day you'll call my phone.
i cant believe you ended it after our 2 years and it didn't bother you when you saw me with tears.

i cant stop thinking of you and cant say goodbye.
i still get jealous when i see you with another girl.
But why did u come back, when i was finally letting go!!??

but i still get the butterflies when you just say hello...why can't i forget you and put you in my past?
I guess a part of me will always believe that we were meant to last.

All 4 U

For you i would climb the highest mountain peak..I'd swim the deepest of all oceans to find your love once again.. i would cross the widest of all rivers and walk the hottest desert sand just to have you by my were the one who made me whole you captured my heart and touched my stepped out of my dreams gave me new hope and showed me what true love means....cant you see when you came into my life you were my reason to live i was falling apart and because of you i didn't let go...Each time i see you my heart skips a beat..Your more than beautiful in both body and mind..more beauty????..Ill never find... you were the one god sent from above... the angel i needed ...the one who i truly loved.

life is too short

grudges are a waste of a perfect happiness, laugh when u can, apologize when you should, and let go what u can't change, love deeply and forgive quickly, take chances, give everything and have no regrets. life's too short to be unhappy. you have to take the good with the bad, smile when you're sad, love what u got, and always remember what u had. always forgive,never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never regret!!


painless. numb. discarding my love. endlessly blue, this colour created by you. hatred you've made, whilst digging my grave, i know not how to behave, me your loves slave. why can't you just hate me? why are you waiting?? to break me? forsake me? I'm hopelessly shaking. I'm wasting my words my love and my truth on cowardice lies created by you. wont you just end this, is it not true? how you love another and their waiting for you.

Caring too Much

i care for you so much, wish i felt you knew i was there. this loneliness i have is almost too much to bear. how and why can i love you and you seem not to care?

Better than being a friend

why do i feel there's no one out there for me, has past hatred of love made me so blind i cant see? and if that's not the case and i continue to dwell in this hell will i tell when i find him? i need some one to love because I'm not a fighter. and to all of those men i love who only want friends, please open your eyes I'm much better than them.

Single Cage Solitary Cell

why must i hate myself so much while longing for an others touch, a simple talk to show you care but again alone, no ones there. men love me as a friend is that love enough to be used again? and again i dwell in my own hell a single cage solitary cell.

Best Kiss (just a thought)

the best kiss is when i felt you smile right in the middle of it <3

My friend

you told me about your worries and told me about your fears I'm sorry i couldn't be there on those days and calm your tears...i think about your future i think about your past and those days i couldn't be there but i wish i could of helped you get through your pain that i know i cant release because its all locked up inside your heart and you already have thrown away the keys.

i wish i could take away all your sufferings and sorrow i wish i could say for sure that were all promised a better tomorrow...but the fact of the matter is that we don't know what life brings just know I'm always here for you no matter what comes at us...this world goes through so much like criminals and mass destruction but I'll be here to hold your hand when the light goes out in every direction I'll be there through thick and thin all just to say you are my friend.

True Friend

There is this guy..he means the world to me ..although he doesn't know..i really wished he could see...when i had no reason to go on he came into my life picked me up and made me strong...

even though i fall down every now and then..he has always been near as my one true friend...we knew each other heart to heart and without saying a word we were never far apart...

i always wanted to tell him, he was more than my one true friend and my whole life story that will never end...but then one day he fell down too...i thought i was done for i didn't know what to do...

i could see the pain in his eyes as he tried not to cry...everyday he came with a smile but i could tell it was all a Lie....he tried to smile but i still could see the pain inside of him and it was becoming a part of me...he was also full of secrets just like me...but what was wrong i just didn't know..i wanted to be there through and through....i was bleeding and i did cry...but i could see he was bleeding more and needed someone by his side...

so i stood near just as he once stood by i want him to know I'll be there no matter what went down or what went wrong..I'll always be there with an ear to listen to his song...

a song about life, a song about love.. a song about anything whatever it was..because in the end after all that is said i will still be here for My One True Friend.

You have Changed Me

When we met....i never dreamed how much my life would much your love could touch every part of my life...i didn't realize what i had been missing...i never imagined how wonderful i could truly alive my spirit could have awakened feelings i never knew have helped me see a whole new world of possibilities..Because you came into my soul is filled with tender passion and my heart has found the sweetest love i ever could have wished for...I love you!

Love Hurts

I know how to say lots of things to every one else except to you but if I could I'd say that I love you so much it hurts sometimes

you left me

you left me when i needed you the most. i was alone i had no one. so i had to go back to him. you left me, you're the one that kept me strong and straight but you left me so i went back

Being Vulnerable

being vulnerable doesn't make you weak, it makes you incredibly strong. it makes you strong because you know if you get hurt or broken you're still strong enough to pick yourself up and just keep going.

New History

"Sometimes the past is something you just can't let go of. And sometimes the past is something we'll do anything to forget. And sometimes we learn something new about the past that changes everything we know about the present. Stand still for a second, and you'll be left behind. But as hard as we try to move forward, as tempting as it is to never look back, the past always comes back to bite us in the ass. And as history shows us again and again, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it".

Randon Thoughts

I want you for always, days, years,eternities!

someday somebody will walk into your life an make you reliezed why it never worked with anyone else.

They are Your Life

when you actually love some one, you no longer have your life, beacause they are your life, you get up for them;breath for them; live for them. they are the reason they make your life worth living!

He's Extraordinary!

love makes you see ordinary things in a extraordinary way<3...he is extraordinary!!

Thinking of Him

I always go to sleep thinking of you, hoping I see your beautiful face when I wake up cause that's the best gift anyone can ever give me.

Should I

should I put my heart on my sleve once again?
should I take the risk of being hurt?
should I do this when I just got broken hearted?
should I be so scared to start something new, but then again I'm using "I", am I so selfish to just think of me...when love is more then just I, its we?

I don't know if I can mend yet another broken heart, he's my bestfriend I don't know what to do, what to feel , or even if I should say "I love you" because down deep inside I know I do.


I'm scared because, I don't want any one else to hold your hand.
I don't want anyone else to hold your heart.

I don't want anyone else to kiss your lips I don't want anyone else to be in your arms I'm scared because I don't want anyone else to take my spot.


I hate that I love you so much, I hate all this pain,I hate that you lie to me it makes me so vain.

I hate that you ignore me when you clearly make it obvious, I hate that I know its over even before this year was started.

I hate that I fell for you so hard thinking it's kinda odd.I wish I didn't fall for you so hard, believe everything you said, trust you so much ,and love you with all my heart, my only wish is not knowing it was over, happy endings don't happen with this love it just simply had to due time my heart will mend.