One, two, three pain killers
Wash it down with water
Wait anxiously for it to kick in
But it never will
Because this isn't the same kind of pain
The type that slowly ceases to exist
No, it's a different kind of pain
A real blunt unexplainable ache
It doesn't reside in one specific location
But rather all over your body
And it lingers,
It refuses to resign from exerting this vile sensation
Because it enjoys it
It enjoys watching you suffer
So go ahead, pop open that bottle of Advil,
Of Tylenol, of Vicodin, of Morphine
Take as many as you want
Hell, overdose if you want
But that pain, that ache, that agony
Is not one that can be washed away
With five 325mg Percocet
Instead, it is an affliction that wears you down
Until nothing is left of you
But skin, bone, and senselessness
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