Always be there for Jason Lombard

When it rains, you don't see the sun, but its there. Hope we can be like that. We don't always see each other, but we will always be there for one another.


How can you ache and crave for someones touch
When you have never felt it?
I do this for yours, though,
And the yearning grows more each day

I have never wanted anything in my life
As much as I want you
When you whisper such sweet love
In my ear when we talk

You make me melt into a puddle
Of complete helplessness
You have become my every waking thought
And my every dream at night

I breathe in so hard
Trying to catch my breath when we can't talk
I close my eyes so tight
Hoping when I open them you will be there

But I know I have to wait
Until the time is right
It seems so far away
That I think I am losing my mind

I want to breathe in your scent
And keep it with me all day long
I want to taste your love for me
By kissing your sweet lips

I want to feel your body next to me
So when you leave for awhile I can hold on
I just want you to know
That I really do love you

When the day comes and we are together
You will always know and feel this
I will always hug, kiss and love you
Every moment of the day and night

You will never have another touch un-felt

Because of you

Because of you
my world is now whole,
Because of you
love lives in my soul.
Because of you
I have laughter in my eyes,
Because of you
I am no longer afraid of good-byes.
You are my pillar
my stone of strength,
With me through all seasons
and great times of length.
My love for you is pure
boundless through space and time,
it grows stronger everyday
with the knowledge that you'll always be mine.
At the altar
I will joyously say 'I do',
for I have it all now
and it's all because of you.

In darkness

I’ve been in darkness for so long just waiting for the light,
And now that you have come my way, my days don’t seem like nights.
I’m glad I’m finally overcome my fear of the other side,
Thank you for showing me the way, by taking me on this ride.
I’ve never really felt this way about a guy before,
You’ve truly touched me deep inside, you’ve opened, unlocked, the door.
I know it’s nothing serious, but surely it’s a start,
You’ve treated me so equally, I feel it in my heart.
And even if this does not work, I’m glad I’ve had this chance,
To see how great you truly are, even just for a glance.
We never know what’ll come of this, it really just depends,
I’m glad we’re taking the first step, we’re becoming better friends.
With you I never have to guess just how you really feel,
You talk to me about the facts and tell me what’s the deal.
With you I feel so comfortable, like nothing can go wrong,
I get this tingly feeling inside, you sing to me like a song.
The fact that you are older, really did freak me out,
But you treat me like I’m your age, now I’m rid of all my doubts.
I’m trying to live in the moment, by forgetting about the past,
And so far it’s been working, and it’s really been a blast.
So hopefully from this day forth, I’ll know just what to do,
If ever I come across a guy, another guy like you.


Believe in your heart that something wonderful is about to happen.
Love your life.
Believe in your own powers,
and your own potential,
and in your own innate goodness.
Wake every morning
with the awe of just being alive.
Discover each day the magnificent,
awesome beauty in the world.
Explore and embrace life in yourself
and in everyone you see each day.
Reach within to find your own specialness.
Amaze yourself and rouse those around you
to the potential of each new day.
Don't be afraid to admit
that you are less than perfect;
this is the essence of your humanity.
Let those who love you help you.
Trust enough to be able to take.
Look with hope to the horizon of today,
for today is all we truly have.
Live this day well.
Let a little sun out as well as in.
Create your own rainbows.
Be open to all your possibilities;
all possibilities and Miracles.
Always believe in Miracles.

My last Goodbye (for Tim written 2003)

I was the first to say I love you ; I knew I'd be the last , never thought are memories would be something of the past, I've tried so hard and kept coming back to you, I had so many memories of little things you do.
One thing with you that kept me strong even though I new it was wrong
I always kept a heart full of hope, even through hurt and not being able to cope.

Yeah you did things wrong and hurt me bad, but I carried on because of the love I had. So now I've moved away from where I live, with all hope that I could try and forgive, I had no choice but to leave, you tell me things and make me believe, only to find out its just another lie- then I'm sad on my own with nothing to do but cry, you've hurt me physically/mentally and crush my emotions, so much so I've probably cried a ocean.

You've acted like my heart has a thousand pieces to break, for so long I've asked you just not to be fake, so now I'm gone an I hope your happy with your space,I'm gone & I'm sure you'll find someone who can replace. The day I left was the hardest thing for me to do - my body mind and soul was still In love with you, for me leaving you was so damn hard & for you- no real words, not even a card.

I sat on the train counting the hundreds of fields I passed, thinking I can't believe how far I've gone just to try be happy at last. I haven't got a regret not a single one, because at the end of "us" I tried all that could be done. I no you'll be fine meeting others, just hope you know for along time I'll be hurt and alone just me in my covers. Every morning I wake up feeling low, I can feel it hurt- a feeling you wouldn't know. Every bad memory engraved in my head, & now its got to the point I dread going to bed.

Right now my mind is on you it won't let me replace, because every time I close my eyes I still see your face. I know you'll never again feel the same, but for the last thing you do can stop with the blame, don't hate me because you did me wrong, I've stayed for 10 months I'm damaged & tired for trying for so long, I knew what you got up to and that's why your mad- but your memories of me should not all be bad, its not something I done or a game I won- it was just real eyes recognising real lies.

One day someone will love me like I loved you ,only difference is they will love me in the same way too, you had a good thing in front of you and you didn't have a clue. No longer will you touch me, kiss me, hold me or feel me, you've put a bruise on my heart and inside its killed me. You say things but then you don't show me the same , I feel like I've been used an all I am is a game. If I'm wrong and all what I've said you don't think is unfair then asked yourself why my memories are there.

I didn't get here alone I've wrote letters,texts,poems and god knows how many times I've called your phone. Everything I done I done because I care and I kept trying knowing your feelings weren't there. Valentines day the last one we shared you gave me a card, I read it earlier although it was hard, I sat on my bed and out loud read what the card it said " The most wonderful word Ive heard you say, is the day you walked up to me and said hello" I sat there and cried because I know now my last word will be goodbye.

Maybe one day I'll be ok an get there in the end and maybe one day I can be your friend but For now as far as I can see,I'll have front of being happy but inside sad,alone,and just Me - Forever hurt- Forever try- One tear- but a forever cry- My last words to you- My Last Goodbye